SOME READINGS ILLUSTRATING THE CONTROVERSIAL NATURE OF VIEWS REGARDING "MODERN" HUMAN ORIGINS, THE HISTORY OF THE "RACE" CONCEPT AND EVOLUTIONARY THEORY (biased toward "multiregional views, simply because Olson Book is so biased toward the "Out-of Africa Model" and he is incorrect in saying the issue is settled).  There are sources placing human variation and the Human Genome project in perspective as well.

Textbook of Intro. to Biological Anthropology (and evolutionary theory) by John Relethford.

A short genetic debate
(Can click for PDF version.)

Race and Human Evolution
(can click for PDF version)

Archaeology: things aren't that simple

Behavioral Differences in the Levant

Other Genetic Explanations

Origins in the Levant

Neandertals: Not so fast
(Can click for PDF version. We have Journal too)

Simple Genetic Reason
(Abstract: We have Journal)

Modern Ancestry at Peripheries
(Can click for PDF version. We have Journal too)

Australian Test of.........
(Abstract: From C of C can access PDF version)

Genetic Tail Wags Dog

Population Genetics & Ancient Genes
(Abstract: We have Journal)

Multiregional Hypothesis
(Abstract: Can click for PDF version. We have Journal)

(We have Book:  Race and Human Evolution / Milford Wolpoff and Rachel Caspari. New York : Simon & Schuster, c1997.)
(--- C of C Library, GN281 .W6418 1997.)

Multiregional Hypothesis in Asia

 Genetics and Human Variation
lots of links to sites explaining evolution, genetics and human variation.

Human Genome Diversity Project
some brief complaints by indigenous people (and others) about HGDF

More concerns about HGDF

Concerns about Human Genome Project

Some ethical issues in the HGP

Out of Africa vs. Multiregional Hypotheses
Relethford provides a nice summary of opposing views of Origin of "modern" humans. Including views of recent discoveries.

Multiregional Hypothesis: Statistical analysis of skulls supports both?
(Abstract: Can click for PDF version. We have Journal)

2001: a Race Odyssey.

See some skulls?